2008 Messages
Thu Dec 18 02:47
This time of year is bittersweet, but I aim to make it just sweet. Pinch my Dad for me and yourself. And thanks for the dreamtime visit. My boys love you. We all do.
Tue Dec 16 04:02
la la d
Your dog is the best!
Sun Dec 14 22:45
Wow.... a couple of months ago, I was working in the garage, listening to an alternative radio stream from my box (XRM), when I heard the classic "Three Strange Days". I immediately stopped what I was doing and searched my garage for a piece of paper on which to write the name of the song down so I wouldn't forget the title. I did so, thinking.. wow.. that was one of my favorite songs of the early 90's at that time and I'd forgotten about it! Thanks to google, I was able to be "reminded" that the band that sang the song was School of Fish. After some more googling, I discovered this site from Wikipedia and discovered who the lead singer was, Josh, and that he'd passed away several years ago. While I'm saddened to hear that, I did feel compelled to write down a big THANKS to Josh and his band mates for the song - It still lifts me up to this day and I listen to it often. I'm glad we connected through the music...it will last forever.
Sun Nov 9 13:30
Big School of Fish fan decided to add to my collection all solo works and take time to add this message the guy was talented and smart and has left behind a legacy that will ensure his status will, like Buckley, continue to grow
Thu Nov 6 21:39
So sad that now that I have found him again that he is gone. I always had a strange connection to this person singing on this CD I bought when I was in high school. Now, seventeen years later I am still listening to him and he still seems familiar to me. I looked him and only to find that he is no longer on this plane of existence. He seemed to be so full of life and insight into our Native ways, wish I could have met him!
Thu Nov 6 08:47
Your love endures, my friend! So does your gentle example... (I'll never forget your moment with that crazy camel on the road in India!)
Tue Oct 21 07:57
Paris Hampton
Hey Darling, Missing you. Thank you for being my guardian angel.... Love, P
Tue Sep 30 02:02
Connie Naqvi
There is nothing better than watching my 3 year old son jam out and sing along in the back seat to 'Window' or 'Inarticulate Nature Boy.' Thanks for such amazing music! What an incredible soul.
Tue Sep 16 18:42
I would like to post a comment i didnt know this young boy, my soN was recently asked to do a voice over on a project that he would be doing the voice of young Josh in a 7 hour audio coming out ,i decided to go to his website and look around i really wish i knew him what a beautiful person and he touched so many peoples lives his music is beautiful straight from the heart, doing the voice over with my son i really felt as if he was there and i hope my son did him proud , Salvatore is only 8 but i have showed him the website and told him what happened to him and his response to me was( MOM IM GLAD I GOT TO PLAY HIM I HOPE HE CAN HEAR ME IN HEAVEN AND HE LIKES IT ! ) i thankyou all for a great website to look back on and Josh salvatore will do you proud rest my angel rest!
Thu Sep 11 13:58
Chris Marksbury
Listening to his music, solo disc, SPIRIT TOUCHES GROUND, right now.....it just get's better and better. He was such a unique spirit, a very special and gifter songwriter. I always regarded School of Fish as a real cool band that I expected to go further and reach more fans.....his life was brief but he left behind something, a legacy, for all to listen in and enjoy. More people should discover Josh's music. I feel that I am fortunate to have.
Sat Aug 30 09:16
Jeremy W Norrell
Thanks Josh for the wonderful band. I can remember living next to the beach and playing that tape over and over again. Man I miss your great voice and as you can see I Still have not forgot about you. Thanks again and Miss you.
Sat Aug 23 05:24
Josh, i miss you. saw a dragonfly today following our car and thought of you. i now have a little boy. his birthday is very close to yours and like you he is very special. has such a personality already. miss your smile and words. remembering sitting with you and just being. love, Lindsay
Sat Aug 9 05:55
David Dougherty
Thanx for a great band as the SCHOOL OF FISH, nothing stranger than my 3 Strange Days. Hope you are doing well.
Sat Jul 19 21:07
I wrote a poem about him and how he has effected me over the years: I WROTE A SONG THAT ISN'T REALLY A SONG I miss the music he should be making, Although I do understand why his was a life worth taking. He gave us his smile, his lines, his open hand... he was even a self-made one-man band. Yes I see all too clearly where his window led, because his music, his words, are permanently fixed in my head. I can still see him glowing in the swirling lights, that shone for him and through him for he was quite, the bird in flight, he caught the sun and gave it back to us after it was spun, into a tapestry he painted on, it brought us warmth when he was gone. He wanted to entertain us but he was here to inspire. Why then wouldn’t God want to do more than admire? him through that windowpane where he stepped outside, and took a ride where his dragonfly could not glide. So never mourn for the unfinished lines, Those songs left unsung, they will still be mine. They will keep me writing songs that aren’t really songs, For he wasn't meant to stay very long. In this backwards world he would not be bound, But I am thankful for the time we had when his spirit touched ground. You didn't you know him? You didn't have to know him to see him. All around me he stays, I hope he stays for days...and days. He told me not to stop believing, and gave me his smile worth keeping, I do wish I could tell him I've found my window, but I have a feeling you already know.
Sat Jul 19 20:40
I wrote a poem about him and how he has effected me over the years: I WROTE A SONG THAT ISN'T REALLY A SONG I miss the music he should be making, Although I do understand why his was a life worth taking. He gave us his smile, his lines, his open hand... he was even a self-made one-man band. Yes I see all too clearly where his window led, because his music, his words, are permanently fixed in my head. I can still see him glowing in the swirling lights, that shone for him and through him for he was quite, the bird in flight, he caught the sun and gave it back to us after it was spun, into a tapestry he painted on, it brought us warmth when he was gone. He wanted to entertain us but he was here to inspire. Why then wouldn’t God want to do more than admire? him through that windowpane where he stepped outside, and took a ride where his dragonfly could not glide. So never mourn for the unfinished lines, Those songs left unsung, they will still be mine. They will keep me writing songs that aren’t really songs, For he wasn't meant to stay very long. In this backwards world he would not be bound, But I am thankful for the time we had when his spirit touched ground. You didn't you know him? You didn't have to know him to see him. All around me he stays, I hope he stays for days...and days. He told me not to stop believing, and gave me his smile worth keeping, I do wish I could tell him I've found my window, but I have a feeling you already know.
Thu Jul 17 03:31
Garth Cormier
Funny how a song can transport you back 15 years. 3 Strange Days got me through a very trying summer in the early 90's. Thanks. 4 years ago I found my cassette and put it on. I was transported back to me and my buddy playing music and recording in the studio 10 years prior. I was sitting in the dark by the glow of the computer. The phone rang, and it was my dear friend that I had not spoken to in over a year. Wasn't even surprised... you are missed. ~ GC
Wed Jul 2 17:09
Anthony Cuthbert
I was listening to my School of Fish CD, "Three Strange Days" when I decided to search out information on Josh. I had no idea he had passed away. His music was with me throughout college, my days on the beach here in Florida listening to Three Strange Days and when I met my wife. I am sorry to see that you are no longer here making great music, but your music had an impact on people. Many fond memories!
Tue Jul 1 01:58
To those of you who may be interested... Josh's sister, Laura, assisted me with creating a myspace profile for Josh. You can check it out at www.myspace.com/joshclaytonfeltsolo. It is certainly not professional by any means but I just wanted to do something to get his music out there. Enjoy!
Fri Jun 27 07:18
Just felt like dropping by to say "hi" as you have been on my mind often the past few days. I miss you and whenever it gets too hot in LA (like last week,) I remember driving around in your Tbird with the heat on when it was 105 degrees because you had to run the heat so your car wouldn't overheat - TOO FUNNY! Love you. Nic
Sat Jun 7 05:11
Julie and Crew
Hey Josh! Just wanted to stop by and say hello. "Dragonfly" is the first song playing on our newly-created family blog site. All these years have passed and you still continue to inspire us. Pancakes for all, I say!
Fri Jun 6 05:42
Kevin Crow
Hi, I don't know if this makes a matter but years ago...about 1991 My wife and I had the priviledge of meeting the band School of Fish back stage. Josh and the gang were on a local radio station in Fresno California and taking calls. Josh had mentioned his interest in Native American culture and so I called. I told him "I heard you talking about Eskimos and thought you would be tickled to know that a huge fan(me), is Inupiat Eskimo! I told him I hailed from Barrow Alaska and yes he was joyed. He promptly invited my wife and I to attend the show that night and invited us backstage. After the show I presented him with a "worry stone" made of Jade that my mother had given to me as a boy and a video tape of Alaska. The worry stone was a stone that Eskimos rubbed between their fingers and thumb when things were difficult or worrysome thus leaving wear marks on the stone. I hope he kept it though the years and it treated him well. We miss him..... Peace my brother Kevin and Joann Crow
Wed Jun 4 19:42
Wow, I am shocked and saddened to find out that Josh has passed away. I have been a bit out of touch with my music since starting a family in 1997 I am really up to date on kiddie stuff though. I interviewed Josh back when Inarticulate Nature Boy was just coming out. I was working for a music magazine back then. I interviewed him at the Tradewinds in sea Bright, NJ (that place is no longer there either) He was so down to earth and friendly that the interview was such a pleasure. It was more like talking to an old friend than really doing an interview. I do have a copy of it and if the site is interested I can get a transcript of it posted. I also have the tape from the recording. I later moved to Florida and did catch Josh playing with Tori Amos in Pensacola. Anyway, I am sad to learn that he passed away but I will remember his warmth and his smile from our interview so long ago. Lisa
Mon May 19 15:33
Kris Doan
Just wondering how long it takes to get a CD. I ordered on the 7th and I'm in Sand Diego. Thanks, K
Sun May 18 18:34
Laura Clayton Baker
Hi Josh... Writing to wish you a happy birthday...I'll be having pancakes in a little while here. I'll be listening to old interviews you did today that someone was kind enough to gather together and send me. I saw some of the old videos Henry talked about...just wanted to go back to that time again with new eyes. They're truly amazing. I wouldn't let him film me at the time! I love you so very much...and miss you so much always. Mommy too. Laura
Sun May 18 15:13
Connie Naqvi
Happy Birthday Josh! Thank you for your music and your words. You have truly been a blessing in my life. Lots of love to you and your family...
Sun May 18 15:04
Happy Birthday Josh. I think of you often but perhaps celebrite your spirit just a bit more on this day. Lots of love to you, your family and all of us whose lives you touched on so many levels. xx
Sun May 18 13:23
Dene Wilby
Happy Birthday Josh!!! Listening to School Of Fish right now.... Your amazing cover of The Beat's 'Save It For Later'. Superb! Wish I could have seen you boys do that one live. Dx
Sat May 17 22:15
Henry Felt
Hi Josh, I'm thinking about pancakes, and tomorrow's your birthday. My how I miss you. I've been playing your guild guitar. What a beauty it is. I don't think I've ever played such a wonderful guitar. I brought some old reel to reel video's to George and he had them transferred to a current format. I shot them when you were four on an Sony reel to reel video Portapak. This was one of the first video recorders you could really move around with and you are imortalized in all your four year old splenor. What a pleasure to have you saved at that age. Monday I'll be a little league supporter to one of Cathy Lilienthal Deutchman's daughters. I hope you'll join us at the field. I think I need to write more often, Henry
Sun May 11 00:02
Hi Josh, Just thinking of you...
Tue Apr 29 21:52
Chris Marksbury
Just wanted to express how much I loved Josh's voice in The School of Fish. I was always a fan.....I've been out of the loop and was unaware of his passing until recently. I am glad that I have this music to listen to. He left something very special behind for sure.......
Tue Apr 22 09:49
Josh, you've done it again. I've been thinking of you and your mom a lot lately, and suddenly I felt a sort of "nudge" to head over here. And what do I find but a post from my dear friend Thomas saying he's listening to another of your albums? It's strange seeing "Josh Clayton Felt Like Making a Live Record" available for download. That's one of my faves! I suppose it's a good kind of strange, since more people will be able to enjoy it as much as I do. Peace and love ... Julianne
Thu Apr 3 21:47
Connie Naqvi
Maybe it was your spirit Maybe it was the words you uttered I don’t know But there was something beautiful about you Maybe it was the blessing of your feet touching the ground Or the pause on your lips when you felt it You made me feel it Because there was something beautiful about you Maybe it was the magic that flowed from your pen Your smile of spirituality Your words that still linger Now I know There was something beautiful about you Something still beneath you Something transcendent inside you And you made me feel it It was the beauty inside you
Thu Apr 3 20:35
Thomas Hassel
I have discovered Josh a couple of years ago and listened to his album Spirit Touches Ground. Now I got hands on Inarticulate Nature Boy, which is really a revelation. It is so sad, that this talented musician died so young.
Thu Apr 3 00:41
Connie Naqvi
Wow. You have left me speechless. Back in the early 90's I became a big fan of School of Fish. It was only a couple weeks ago that I saw one of your videos for the first time. I decided to look you up on Myspace to see what you have been up to but much to my surprise...you were not there. I had no idea that you were gone. When I found out about your passing, I was deeply saddened. Since then I have learned more about you, especially from your website. I read some of your words and I honestly cannot express how beautiful, deep, eloquent and meaningful you were. I will continue to listen to your music, as I have been for the past 17 years or so. And on your behalf, I will make a donation to Descendants of the Earth if I can find them. Josh, you will forever inspire me. Lots of love to you....
Tue Apr 1 02:01
Joe Caravella
Josh I never Knew You, I Just felt you! I was working in my College radio station Passing Time between my Music Theory class & My Studio Enigineering 110 Lab at queensBorough college in NY in 1991 when across my desk came a Envelope from Capitol records,at that time they were sending me nothing but crap & I dreaded what I would Find (Ohh Please not another Poison CD I begged a person who never heard me) What I found was a CD named School Of Fish. with intersting names for songs like Deepend or Wrong & Fell, My curiosity got the best of me I took the shinny disc to the cd review room put on a set of cans & pressed play & sir You changed evrything for me then!! I am overwhelmed with sadness to find that you have passed on Yea many years after the fact. I was putting My music into my new ipod and was up to the letter S so it was time to put the first album & human cannonball into my itunes so i could put you in my pod when i started wondering what ever happend to you your band your talent I now know the answer. See your music touched me we were only 2 years seperated in age & when your album came out & 3 strange days was blaring out of our little college radio station for the rest of the semester you gave me hope that people still wanted to hear a catchy heart felt melody, that songcraft didn't die in the din of big hair & distored guitars that plagued music for most of the 80's, you bridged a tiny little gap in my life that seemed to grow more & more into an abyss with the advent of grunge. But when all seemed lost I could listen to euphoria & all would seem right in the world. I am still playing music at the tender age of 43 I never thought I'd outlive Rock Music or The Industry & i sure didnt think I'd out live someone younger than me as you were/are but now I am again filled with sadness that you beauty & music has been silenced but I am comforted in Knowing I will always have what you left behind to comfort me like a warm security blanket. Tonight when I take the stage I will sing for you I will break into 3 strange days and share you with my audiance my band used to play that song when our shows werent going well & it would bring our fans back into the good vibes tonight it is time to sing it again You are loved. God once again has got a great band I know your there with John & George & brian & Jimi & Jim and althose that passed before you 7 you are putting on a show to beat all shows. May you find peace in the clouds & in the arms of god Peace Love Joe Caravella of The band "Late Model Jesus"
Tue Mar 25 00:16
H. R. Kunze
josh what a nice dude, I worked at kinkos on ventura studio city Ca and you would come in and get stuff done for school of fish, I crashed a Dallas Tx show with a pass I had made at kinkos and you treated me like a old friend. you are still thaught of 16 years later H.R. the okie
Tue Mar 11 17:16
Hi Josh :) School of Fish is featured in the iTunes music store today... I have been totally thinking about you and seeing things all around that remind me of you. Just want to send you some love today!
Wed Feb 20 09:15
Mark S.
I was buzzing through Youtube, thought of the song "three strange days", and remember a friend of mine introducing it to me, and going "wow, what a catchy song...and that brings me to this..I didn't know Josh, just one the album that he and his band recorded(which I still proudly own on tape), and the rememberance of a time in my life when I first started dating my wife..and i see that you passed away 8 long years ago, and friends, family and fans still come to say hello... god, I hope I'm remembered this much.
Fri Feb 1 20:20
Neil Duffy
Does anybody know the song "Alone" from the Me and Will movie
Wed Jan 30 05:09
Hey Josh - saw you last night - geez it was so vivid I just can't believe it was anything else. Hope all is well and say Hi to Marylin. Thinking of you all day today. Cheers man. Bill
Tue Jan 29 21:31
Hey Joshy, Thanks for the dream last week. I liked this one! I woke up feeling like you were right here with me. Eight years since you have been gone. I don't believe it. Seems like I just saw your beautiful face. I know you are watching us here. Man life has changed so much. Married to a wonderful man that treats me like a princess and getting ready for our first child soon. Thank you for still coming to visit. I miss you with all my heart and love you. Lindsay
Thu Jan 24 22:25
Lisa Simmons
Thinking of you, Josh...In fact, I think of you quite often and that one time I brought that Collings guitar (and those cookies from Manis Bakery) to the studio and how you played it and loved it--fond memories I have of you. I had just found out that I was "with child" before you died...he was at your funeral, too....My son is now 7 and we listen to your songs on my iPod in the car...:]
Wed Jan 23 20:53
Jami Lula
Hey Little Bro I am still waving at you all the time. My son Dylan who is now 5 1/2, and he would remind you of that, Ocassionally waves to you as well. I refer "Spirit Touches Ground" on many of my gigs. I say if you can't afford my CD tonight go out and buy Josh's it will MOVE YOU! I am staying on the planet for now. It is up in a whirlwind. You left at a good time and you left behind what I need to hear. A DEEP SOUL! Love and Blessings, Jami
Mon Jan 21 23:23
WOW. I had no idea that he died. Many years ago I went to a Tori Amos concert and Josh was opening for her. I was a fan of School of fish and recognized his voice right away. I didn't know who he was but I knew I had to hear more. When I left I made sure to buy his Inarticulate Nature Boy CD. I have listened to that CD many MANY times ever since seeing that concert. It has so many good songs. I was driving home last week and heard a song on XM Radio that I instantly recognized as being a Josh Clayton-Felt song that I had never heard. So today I decide to find out what it was and where I could get it...which brings me here. I'm 8 years late and several CDs short, but what a loss. I think he was a great songwriter. I've only got two albums, SoF and INB but I'm always listening to them. I hope many more people discover him and his music. It has meant a lot to me over the years.
Sun Jan 20 04:20
Tommy Manzi
I hear echos of you in my mind all the time... friendship can be so short some times... forgetting is so long. We all miss you Joshua... Marilyn too. Much love on this day to everyone. TM 8
Sat Jan 19 21:03
How strange. 8 strange years. I am sittting at a restaurant that used to be a different restaurant. Remember Red? Its now "bld." " Breakfast. Lunch. Dinner." I, on ocassion, had all three of those meals with you. I do now. On ocassion. 8 years. I think we met at 8 years old. 8 is my favorite number. Yaz was number 8. 2008. I can sit in a restaurant and write on the blog of my late best friend from my phone! What would you have thought. The "uniting" aspects of the Internet would have thrilled you. You the state of the world, not so much. I am happy. I love my job. It brings out my highest self and challenges me to maintain it. My wife is lovely and gondola-ing her way through Venice, Italy as I type, or maybe she's out to dinner. See, I just want to talk to you again. If you get a chance go help "oh Dorian" - her music deserves a chance to he heard. Just thought I'd mention it. d;-) I miss you deeply and thoroughly. Your family is sweet. I miss Marilyn. You gave her a certain freedom through your lessons of releasing fear. It is a gift we all hold in us. I love you, buddy. - Jeff Jeff
Sat Jan 19 17:24
Laura Clayton Baker
It's been 8 years Josh...your joyful spirit is always there for me helping me to take pleasure in every moment. Also, the gentle push not to be fearful...something I need reminding about often, and whenever I bring you into focus I smile and relax. Yesterday I was imagining what it would have been like if you were still here, coming over and hanging out, and those ordinary moments not happening are heartbreaking. We'll be having pancakes this morning, and spending the day in an orange grove in Ojai...a lovely place for me to think about you today. I love you all. Laura
Fri Jan 18 23:24
Josh, you are not forgotten. Never will be. Always sending you loving energy. I look forward tomorrow in having a peaceful spiritual day in your honor. Send my love to your mom, she did wonders for me. all ways love. x
Mon Jan 14 10:41
ive been missing your music quite a bit lately,josh. my girlfriend heard me playing fountain last night and asked me to turn it up. i told her about you and how i got to meet you and see you play in dc so many years ago. i also found the 'save if for later' cover the band did on ebay! i cant wait to hear it again. now im on a mission to find the live album. anyway. its january. new england is getting a noreaster. and youre in my thoughts.
Sun Jan 13 07:16
steve perry
After all the years after college, the first album stands up as a life long work. Strange, how it needed to be that way. The guitar and vocal work on this album, are introspective and well done. Subsequent recordings, solo, show the prowess of the author, but lack the polish of the big recording contract, thought the talent exists. Sadly, it cannot be harnessed or refined. Time has expired. However, the pop song, 3 strange days still gets it, and I am, into the deep end, way over my head. God bless.
Wed Jan 9 22:39
Rachel Noyes
I finally joined the world of ipods and for some strange reason I started with the cds beginning with s. I slid School of Fish into the computer and smiled as memories of Josh came into my head. I went for a walk today on the little island I call home and sang along deciding that when I got home I would google Josh and find out if he was still creating fabulous music. I was shocked to see him referred to as the "late" Josh Clayton-Felt and even though it was 8 years ago I find myself crying at the keyboard. I was one of the fortunate ladies to be in his life during his years at Brown. He was just starting out, playing lots with a dear friend of mine and those are even more precious memories now that he is gone. I hope to add his later music to my collection and will check in from time to time. If Chad Fischer ever comes here, drop me a note. I may have some pictures to share with family if you would like them. Rachel
Tue Jan 1 02:01
This time of the year is always hard for me. Josh always seem to know when a visit is needed and once again, there he was, just as I was settling in to the holiday blues. King of the Dollar (seriously!)was randomly on the radio while I was at the gym. I never hear the music but had forgotten my ipod so I was listening to the random radio selection when there it was...thank you Josh for reminding me of your awesome spirit and getting me through these hard holiday days. Give my love to Marilyn and a huge hug to my dad...please tell him how very much I miss him.