2003 Messages
Wed Dec 24 09:18
Shay Giambastiani (
Josh,It's been awhile since we've chatted, so I could really use a visit from you tonight. My little cousin Joey was taken away from this world this morning. Such a great kid, and such a positive spirit. At the age of 18... it's just not right...Please Josh, welcome him into your world and let him know that everything is okay. Maybe sing him a little song for me? I think "Too Cool For This World" would be perfect......I miss you Josh. Take care of my little cuz...With all the love from the Diamonds in my Heart....Shay
Sat Dec 20 04:15
Well (
I am a new fans of josh.^_______^I love your music,hope you know this!although you are in a peaceful and safety place!~
Fri Dec 12 09:37
Tim (
I listened to Human Cannonball on the way to work today. That album never got the respect it deserves. It's one of the best CDs I own!
Fri Nov 28 21:57
nicky (
happy thanksgiving joshie. i've enjoyed your visits lately. the baby is due in march and is another boy! imagine that - me, with two boys!! miss you a lot. see you in my dreams and otherwheres.love,nic
Thu Nov 27 18:42
Andrew (
I was in Hollywood earlier in the week for a Living Colour show and ran across the Center of Six disc at ameoba records...I have most of Josh's solo work, but this one truly reflects the path his music was taking--I'm in awe and listened to it a few times over on my trip up Interstate 5 on my way back home--I keep my fingers crossed that there will be future releases of anything from the vault--beautiful music.
Thu Nov 20 15:10
Rich (
I saw Josh open for Tori Amos in Baltimore many years ago. That night I was hooked on every word he sang and every note he played. I am just learning of his passing and I am deeply saddened. His songs will be with me always.
Thu Oct 30 10:25
John (Ferdie
(OT) Glen Phillips Just wondered if any of you have ever heard of Glen Phillips ?He used to be with "Toad the Wet Sprocket. " He has an awesome new CD out called "Live at Largo." You can check it out @ www.glenphillips.com or www.awarestore.com Thanks!
Thu Oct 30 09:19
mp (
My Friend Josh, please welcome Elliot Smith into heaven. On a perfect Fall morning such as this one I can feel the music you are are creating for us still.
Wed Oct 22 08:48
Dan Rembert (
I am a big fan from SOF all the way thru. I had the chance to introduce myself to Josh at a show were he opened up for Del Amitri. There was a bad storm that night in Pittsburgh, so only a hand-full of people showed up and the bands were even taking requests from the audience. Josh walked by after his set and I got cold feet and didn't say hi to one of my musical heroes. Now it is too late. Thanks for the music, Josh. Sorry I didn't extend my hand.
Mon Oct 20 06:50
Money Penny (
Hi Joshy, thank you for your visit last night. Recalling your strength and spirit has really kept me going these past few weeks. I know you are with me. Thank you for that. I love you, Money Penny xo
Fri Oct 10 14:53
Joe Walters (
Josh I still think of you everyday and I feel you in my heart. I know that things are well for you... so many of us miss you so and we will see you one bright day. I want for you to hear this song I sing for you..http://artists.mp3s.com/artist_song/3416/3416251.html I love you and will see you in a Sunrise in Memphis.
Fri Oct 10 09:26
Jeff Gabriel (
I saw Josh open for Tori many years ago. He played a solo version of A Day in the Life. It was the single best live song I have ever seen performed. I'll never forget it and would love to hear it again. He was a true talent. When I heard that he passed I cried on several occassions after hearing his music.RIP Josh.
Sat Oct 4 11:01
Mika (
A local cd store was going out of business and Cds were really cheap so for some reason I bought Josh clayton Spirits Touches Ground. It has not left my cd player since! When I went to look for more info about him, it was to my great disforturne to find out he had pasted away. Josh was an amazing musican and I only wish I could have seen him live. His CD is soooo great!
Sat Oct 4 04:48
Nigel (
It may not be my place to post this comment, but Dene just may be a bit busy to get round to it at the mo!On Friday the third day of October 2003 at approximately 14:40 GMT. Joshua's good friend Dene Wilby and his wife Jo was blessed with a healthy baby boy, which they have named Joshua. Respect!
Mon Sep 22 22:18
Anthony (
Paint the tree green!
Tue Sep 16 18:19
Jerry (
After searching through my cds tonight, I came across my copy of Human Cannonball. I remember being a bit disappointed when it first came out - I was such a big fan of the first SOF album, the new direction of Human Cannonball came as a bit of a shock to me. I liked it, but I think at the time, I just wasn't ready to appreciate it. About a month ago, out of nowhere, I started thinking about the song "Take Me Anywhere". Slowly, my need to hear it again got bigger, until finally, I just had to dig for it. Spinning it tonight, I am completely blown away by this record. I realize it's 10 years old, but some of the songs on here ("Take Me Anywhere", "1/2 A Believer", "Everyword") are nothing short of perfect pop songs. As a musician, I have been inspired by Josh's music for over a decade now. Losing him at such a young age is such a shame - but he left us with fantastic music. Sorry for the novel, I just felt like sharing this.
Fri Sep 12 14:04
Andrea Gabriel (
I only got the opportunity to meet you a few times but your music will live on in me. Your poetry consistently moves me. Thank you Josh for all you've given us.
Mon Aug 25 22:14
Henry (
Dear Josh, here we are at Post Camp. A group of kids arrived from Lynn's school and they remember you from several years ago, particularly the song Kid on the Train. They said you were the coolest person here-- you really talked to them. They also wanted to know how to get a CD so I will direct them to this website.Sally and I showed them the Totem Pole. They were full of awe. It's so fantastic. When I wake up in the morning it's the first thing I see when I raise my head, I don't even need to go outside to see it.Violets Forever!Henry & Sally
Sun Aug 24 02:10
marilyn (
Responding to Dave's question - I don't believe the School of Fish reunion show was recorded. But as for releasing more School Of Fish music, we've discovered some wonderful early SOF demos and we hope to include them in a new album for next year's Descendants of the Earth benefit. Just keep letting us know you're interested!
Tue Aug 19 21:08
Dave (
Hello - Have been listeing to Center of Six at the office and smiling to myself at the good vibe that the sounds create. We are fortunate to share that experience. While browsing the site, I was intrigued by the photographs of the School Of Fish reunion performance! Any chance that Talking Cloud might release those songs? I am quite hungry for all things Josh. Thank you!
Thu Aug 14 17:25
Donna (
"I want to change the way the world affects me... I want to dance in the face of all that could be... I....... Josh,... News of your passing hit me to my very core. I did't know you had such an effect on my soul. Late last night I downloaded the song Three Strange Days. This was before I visited your site today and learned of your passing.I have always thought of you intermittently throughout the years.I remember catching you at a very intimate gig at Rutgers University in 1991. It was my freshman year. I helped put on the show at Livingston College and you were so humble and respectful. I was right in the front row digging your lyrics like there was no tomorrow. Mind you I was the only black female in the room, but to me, music has no boundries. It should be that way to everyone. Especially those that listen to your music. I didn't feel ashamed to be in the room... I then took your music to share with some friends at Boston University. They couldn't help but like a brutha. I moved on from college and became the mother of two boys Daniel and Jordan. Through the years you always came back to mind... It's like I come full circle. I remember a part of Three Strange Days that I played over and over again... "I've got to make it through, no matter what it takes... I've got to make it through these strange days... YeahYou were a man before your time... the world wasn't ready for you. You were taken from us so early --- But isn't it said that only the good die young?An Angel you are. You brought me through some tough times and may God bles you for that. You had such a deep effect on people and I am sure you didn't even know it. God used you in such a way that it will continue to blow the minds of of those you made contact with for many years to come. You cross all barriers, even in death. I love you beloved. Your my light and I will forever think of you.People... God and the use of music and truly bring us together. Let it ride...Donna - Rutgers University 91' School Of Fish rocked New Brunswick!
Wed Aug 13 09:56
Joshua A Clayton (
Hi very sorry to hear about your passing you have my sincere condolences
Tue Aug 12 17:26
joe (
I found out about Josh's passing away about a month ago. I couldn't believe it. I was such a big fan of School of fish. Here in Spring, Texas you don't find a lot of people who have ever heard of them, but a friend turned me on to them when "3 strange days" was released. What a great album. Speechless is my favorite song on that album. His lyrics were so genuine. I used to be in a band called Twenty Mondays and School of Fish opened for crowded House in Houston years ago. Our band really wanted to go to the show so our manager some how rigged it that we could go but we would have to help the sound and light crew. My job was to run a spot light on Josh. Afterward we met them, had some pictures taken with them and just got to spend some time talking to them about the road and how they are enjoying it. It was a very cool night. Unfortunately, the photos of the night are somewhere with our ex-manager. It is one of those things in life that you feel real lucky to have been a part of.
Tue Jul 29 06:40
Ted Shuttleworth (
Hello JC Felt fans, I've just found this website and wanted to say hi to everyone. Driving home tonight I had "Three Strange Days" on in the car and it really got me thinking about Josh. In '97 & '98 I had a job at night working the door at a small club called Largo here in LA and in that period I had the great good fortune of seeing Josh perform at least a dozen times. He was so great at all those gigs and my friend Lisa used to come down, too, and we'd be the only ones dancing - off in a corner of the room while Josh played - which I think he loved. He was a beautiful cat. I should get a copy of Center of Six, slap it on and just groove to it. Love to all ... TS -
Sun Jul 27 23:52
Sheri (
Blessings to all! My deepest sorrow and heartfelt love is sent to Josh's family and friends for the loss of such a beautiful spirit. It has been 3 years since Josh has gone home, and I am just finding out. At the same time that I am getting to know him as a deep soul of life, I am mouring the loss of the same greatness that he is. From the first time that I heard School of Fish, Josh had one of those voices that was truely unique. Sadly, I lost touch of them and of Josh. (If your music isn't mainstream around here, it doesn't get much mention or play.) Then I realized that I have the most wonderful source of information right at my fingertips to find all the information that I was longing to fill my head with. Unfortunately, it was all too late. It totally amazes me how you can not know someone personally, yet you can be so much alike in heart and spirit. Just to know that if you sit down, spend some time and really get to know someone, you might be surprised to see that we are not so different afterall. Again, all my love to and prayers to the loved ones who have lost him. It must have been such a true blessing to have become much richer in life to have been touched by his love. WE MAY HAVE LOST A BROTHER IN JOSH, BUT THE WORLD HAS GAINED AN ANGEL.
Sat Jul 26 14:52
Jarrette Mankin (
I found the musical talents of Josh quite by accident. At a local used CD store, I picked up Spirit Touches Ground, put on the headphones, and was immediately blown away. There was such passion and expression in each song, and yet, I never heard of him before. There was also his Inarticulate Nature Boy CD as well the store as well. To the person who sold or traded these masterpieces, shame on you. But without you, I would have never experienced the talents and treasures that is Josh. I have sinced bought the School of Fish music, and look forward to getting the Center of Six. Songs like Paint the Tree Green, Too Cool for this World, and Building Atlantis just have this magical effect. To all of you on the message board, you know what I'm talking about. Josh's Musical Spirit Touches Me here in Oklahoma. Jarrette M.
Wed Jul 23 05:22
Ericson (
a wonderful friend sent me a mix cd which included center of six and dragon fly and I found myself listening to those songs over andover again, which led me to this website. you're an inspiration. the kindness he showed me made me feel like i was connected again to life and all the great things about it. it's amazing how you've touched his life. thanks for sharing your amazing life with the world. Ericson
Tue Jul 22 03:51
Bill (
Hey Josh.. just stopping by to say Hi. Thinking of you!
Tue Jul 15 19:22
kristoffer carter (
Listening to Spirit Touches Ground at my desk today. It's getting me through it my man. Thank you for the amazing songs and positive energy.
Fri Jul 11 17:36
Scott (
I just signed on to grab the lyrics to "dragon fly" to send to a friend and decided to check the message board, and saw Mark's message below with the song lyrics to the "Give me the beat boy, and free my soul" song. That was just what i needed today. (Grey sky, a bit tired--more of a "Dragon Fly" kind of day than, say, a "Center of Six" or "Diamond in your Heart" kind of day!) Feeling better already! Smile, y'all...
Thu Jul 10 20:35
meredith (
i just bought "spirit touches ground" and there was a sticker on the front about donating in memory of josh. i read and re-read, is this possible, he's about my age. my sister sent me a CD after seeing him in college about 8 years ago and was instantly attracted to everything about his music. like most CDs, they teld to get stolen or lost over the years, this is what happened to my first album. then in january, after attending a spiritual workshop, i felt an amazing urge to rebuy the "inarticulate nature boy," but i stumbled across "spirit touches ground" instead...it was as if, in some strange way, josh listened to my thoughts and was able to voice them, i've never met josh, but felt as if i'd known him for years...he was with me, WOW!thanks, josh.
Fri Jun 27 14:35
mp (
"When I'm feeling blue your guitars shining through to sooth me. Thanks for the joy that you've given me. I want you to know I believe in your soul. Rhythm and rhyme and harmony have helped me along. You're makin' me strong. Give me the beat boys and free my soul I wanna get lost in your rock n' roll and drift away" - Bill Withers
Wed Jun 25 13:27
Bob Spencer (
I just found out today (6/25/03) that one of my favorite singer/song-writers has died. I am absolutly crushed.I never really followed up to find out what was up with school of fish or a new material of josh's until now. His music inspired me and took me throgh some tough times. I feel so sorry for what has happened to him. He and his music will always be with me. My late but sincere condolences to his family, friends and fans. Bob
Mon Jun 23 18:31
Scott (
Hey y'all---I'm always happy when i see an email from Marilyn in my mailbox; this morning when i was printing out lyrics of a Neil Halstead song (he's the lead singer from Mojave 3) to send to my own mom, as i was re-reading them i thought of Marilyn and how she's taking care of Josh and keeping his work safe and with such care. Here's the lyrics: "Two Stones in my Pocket" (Neil Halstead) Baby crossed an ocean just to see what she could see, half the world beneath her feet, a rose between her teeth, spent her lifetime loving, spent her lifetime living fine, but since you broke her heart, yeah she needs a little time, a little time, a little time. Before we were old memories and I guessed that we'd be fine, shooting stars still break her heart and sunsets make her cry, watch the birds fly over head, you can catch them if you try, watch the planes fly over head, you can catch them if you try, if you try. Two stones in my pocket girl, I keep them for my dreams, I give 'em both to you now cause you need them more than me, your mothers arms will keep ya safe wherever you may be, your mothers arms will keep ya safe however you may be, you may be, you may be. Baby crossed an ocean just to see what she could see, half the world beneath her feet, a rose between her teeth, spent her lifetime loving, spent her lifetime living fine, but since you broke her heart, yeah she needs a little time, a little time, a little time. Two stones in my pocket girl, I keep them for my dreams, I give 'em both to you now cause you need them more than me, your mothers arms will keep ya safe wherever you may be, your mothers arms will keep ya safe however you may be, you may be, you may be, you may be. **** That's it for now. I saw 2 incredible dragonflies while hiking last weekend, and I of course thought of Josh. see you--Scott
Sat Jun 21 16:20
eleanor (
I just came across a tape LInda bux gave me quite some time ago of spirit touches ground and a live gig of Josh. The songs were so haunting to hear again, so beautiful and memorable..esp dragonfly. So thanks josh. Remembering fond old times in Cork many moons ago with the Buxs!you'll always be an inspiration. eleanor x
Fri Jun 6 17:19
mp (
"The grand highway is crowded with lovers and searchers and leavers so earger to please and forget" Wilderness: J.Morrison
Mon Jun 2 18:58
matt (
Missing you and your grace. Thinking of your words "This is what it took to bring us together.". Amen, and heck, Awomen, brother. Love, Matt
Wed May 21 02:45
Paul Becker (
Uh oh, I missed your birthday again. Happy Birthday, and I can't wait to hear "Center of Six". I was fortunate enough to find a copy of the "Soon Enough" mini-album recently and was wondering if anyone has the complete lyrics to "What Good is Heaven"? That's a great song. Paul
Tue May 20 23:29
eden (
happy birthday josh...yesterday i got the urge to pick up "ishmael" and read it again, and then i realized that it was your birthday. of course. thank you for being such a good teacher yourself. love, eden
Mon May 19 16:29
Elsa (
Happy Birthday to you, Josh! I miss you dearly and will always continue to love you and Marilyn. You have the greatest mother in the world! I now know why you are so special! I wish I could have been that fortunate! It makes my heart warm knowing that you are so loved by beautiful people. I am so happy to know that "Center of Six" is available. I can't wait to hear your inspiration at its finest. All of my love, Elsa
Mon May 19 04:33
Raina Lee Scott (
Happy birthday sweet Joshua! How beautiful that the Decendants had their first Sweat on your Birthday! Also, I haven't had pancakes in over a year I'm sure, yet I found myself ordering a huge stack of them this morning... the best I've had since your's...(which will never be beat!!!) I am so happy that a new album of your's has been released and that you are singing on! I am so happy that my song to you is on it too. I hope you hear it whenever someone plays it and that you remember I love you! I miss you. Love, Raina. ...P.S. Thank you for being at my wedding!
Mon May 19 02:24
Henry Felt (
Oh my, this is going to come up on May 19!! but it was written to you on the 18th. Happy Birthday Josh. Marilyn and George came out to Royalston for the Pancake Breakfast. Sally's pancakes were the best this morning. We all love you and miss you. Henry & Sally
Sun May 18 22:34
Tommy Manzi (
Well, here I am, in London... and thinking of you... always. Happy Birthday Joshua. I am here sending you positive vibes. Missing you a great deal... wishing I could celebrate your birthday with you. We all love you JCF. x. TM
Sun May 18 21:55
marilyn (
Dear Josh, thanks for being with me this year-- making me mellow, making me strong, helping me laugh, helping me sing. Even Kaya covered me with kisses last week. She's a happy dog running the hills of Topanga, with a bark that echoes through the canyon! You set up good things for all of us. Love forever, your Mom.
Sun May 18 18:35
jamie (
hello! having some pancakes this morning and thinking of you josh! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEET BOY! i love the new album "Center of Six" and i hope everyone else out there will be as inspired after listening to it as i have been. today be sure to: call your parents and tell them you love them... call a friend just to say hello... give kisses to that special person in your life... hug your pets... wish josh a happy birthday! we miss you! jamie.
Sun May 18 09:15
Laura Clayton Baker (
Happy Birthday Josh...I'm so amazed by the way you are always givng to me...I am so grateful. We'll be celebrating your birthday with pancakes today. Love Laura
Thu May 15 15:27
eden (
marilyn, laura, and everyone who participated in "center of six"...thank you all so much. it is really such a beautiful testament to his memory. and josh...i think "center of six" is one of your most beautiful songs ever. thank you for sharing it with us love, eden
Mon May 12 15:17
Matt S. (
Hi there Marilyn- Thank you so much to you and everyone else involved in putting out Center of Six. What an incredible album. I'm sure there will be much interest in whatever other musical goodies you have stored up. The authenticness and creativity of Josh and his music never cease to amaze me. take care, Matt
Mon May 12 05:00
Alisa (
Dear Marilyn, I just listened to the samples of Center of Six at CD Baby, and once again am touched by the beauty and spirituality of Josh's music. Thank you so much for sharing his talent with the rest of us. On this Mother's Day, it might be the right time to honor your dedication and love as a Mother. I'm sure that you are a big part of what made Josh so special. I am a mother of a 15 year old (as of Friday actually) son and know the challenge of guiding a kid in a crazy world. You obviously did a great job. I would love any tips that you could pass on. Sincerely, Alisa (Jon's mother)
Mon May 12 03:56
Marilyn (
Dear Stephanie, About "Heaven", I love that song! It was co-written and performed by Josh and Larry Goldings, and it was released as a B-side on promos of "Window" and "Soon Enough". Full title is "What Good is Heaven". We are planning to re-release it. We have just released the new album CENTER OF SIX, and if we find there's enough interest in such an album, next year we hope to release another, with unreleased Josh songs, Josh B-sides, friends' songs, etc. The theme for it is already planned, and "What Good is Heaven" will be on it! Thanks for your interest. Marilyn, Josh's Mom.
Sun May 11 10:37
Stephanie (
Is there anyway to get ahold of Josh's song, Heaven? Are there any plans to release it on a forthcoming album? I would love to order a copy of it, but it isn't printed anywhere. I would appreciate any info I can get on this beautiful song.
Thu May 8 17:07
Gwyn (
Dear Laura, Marilyn, and all the musicians on Center of Six – thank you so much for sharing more of Josh with us and for the wonderful tribute you have given him. Josh’s songs are once again amazing. If I picked a favorite, it would only diminish the rest. They are all fantastic! Raina’s song is so beautiful and emotional beyond words. The other songs are perfect tributes from all of you and give such a sense of Josh’s place in your lives. Thank you again for sharing yourselves with those of us whose only talent is to listen. The Benefit was a blast. You made Samantha and me feel so welcome and the music was amazing. Jeff – next year I’m going to get up the nerve to give you a hug cause you’re just so darn cute. Kevin, Jami, John, Randy and Carlos, Evan, and Chad – you guys rock! Donna is incredible. Chad (Lazlo) and Renee – I love your CD’s. Andras – I try never to be an a**hole, but the next time I am, I’ll make sure it’s for peace. We all get it. You are so right! To those we couldn’t stay to see, I hope we catch you next year. Please know that your efforts to put this together are appreciated! And finally to Wolf and Lisa – thank you for bringing your spirituality to this event. You honor us as humans with your work. I am happy to support that and look forward to the day my family can share a campfire with our relatives. I hope this event continues forever and that I can one day bring my grandchildren to blush at Andras, listen to Josh’s music, and hear your words. And thanks, Josh, for your constant inspiration. ~ Gwyn
Fri Apr 25 21:00
Sasha Clayton (
Hi Josh, I was thinking of ya. I've never written here before, always chosen to remember you in my own, less-public way. But my God, I am so touched that people -- friends and family, acquaintances, and fans -- are still writing in, still sending thoughts and memories. I know there's already a totem pole and a concert in your honor, but I think that this forum is the most moving tribute. So, I've started playing the banjo. I'm trying to see if any of your musical talent has rubbed off on me. So far I'm not so sure, but maybe you could give me some musical mojo to help me out. Aaron is flying down today to spend the weekend with me in DC, and I guess I came the the site, thinking of what it's like to be an older brother. I want to call you to find out. Man, I wish I could. I love you Josh, and miss you a whole hell of a lot. love, Sasha, your brother ps. I'm still working out the details for our all-night cereal restaurant.
Thu Apr 24 19:18
Sadie Jenks (
Wow! I know its been a while, but I just found out that Josh died. Im really sorry to all his fans, friends, and family. Anyways, all I wanted to say is, about 6-7 years ago I saw Josh when he came to Kansas City with Tori Amos and he was amazing! All I have is the Nature Boy cd, but Ive been making everyone I meet listen to it, and they all love it! He was amazing and Im sure everyone misses him. Blessed Be and Godspeed.
Tue Apr 15 23:25
Candy (
Hey, this is a message for Josh's mom or sister. I just read "The Boy Who Planted the World" and it was on my mind most of the day. When I got to soccer practice (I coach kids from ages 4-6), I told a couple of my kids the story and the loved it! At school today, I was talking to a friend about it and we thought it'd be really groovy to make it into a children's book as part of the senior gift to the elementary school (my school is K-12) because we've spent a good chunk of our high school careers reading to the kids. I wanted y'alls' permission, so if you could e-mail me (
Sun Apr 13 06:57
Brian (
Listening to a tape a close person we both know made for me; with your music on it.. Always reminds me of some amazing times.... Thanks.... I won an award for this poem I wrote to you (glad you got to read it and the "Road of Life keeps turning brother)... My friend Josh, The road of life winds through many curves Mine keeps on turning, does it ever straighten out In circles and circles, it’s circles for now Can I keep spinning, is there any way out I dream of the days where my road rides so smooth The wind keeps me cool and the sun warms my soul My days are ahead though I’ll face them right now Take a hold of the wheel, cause I’m driving through Starting to speed, feels like I’m slippin’ Grasp my desire, feels like I’m trippin’ Wait, my wheels are still on the ground What I have lost, I now have found Open my eyes and what do I see My life will straighten in front of me I always go forward, my path is so straight Don’t worry my friend, your life will be great! Your friend Brian …….
Wed Apr 9 11:39
Rick Graham (
Hi, my brother has had the School of Fish albums knocking around for years and i have been listening to them at work, just found out now that Josh died. Such a shame, especially seeing what a joke the music scene is these days. I love punchy guitar albums with great songs behind them and three strange days etc.. really get me rocking. cheers rick
Sat Mar 29 01:48
eden (
josh...i'm counting the days until "center of 6". thanks so much to everyone who is helping to keep you with us...i miss you love, eden
Fri Mar 28 14:32
Julianne (
Somehow I'm led (or drawn -- does it really matter?) here at just the right times. The new album is indeed exciting! Most of all, thank you for the story of "The Boy Who Planted the World," and the way in which it was incorporated into the site. This morning I'm scheduled to do something I'd prefer to skip. Thanks to Josh's story, I'm in a far better mood! Running a wee bit late, but state of mind is more important, isn't it? Peace ... JW
Wed Mar 26 01:11
Mark (
I saw SoF at a free FNX show at the Cambridgeside Galleria in 1992 or 93. I saw Josh open up for Tori Amos and then I saw him again playing a solo gig in Camridge a couple of years ago. His music is great and I am glad that he has so many fans. I just heard today about his passing and I saw all of these great messages and I wanted to make my own. RIP Josh! Vaya Con Dios! and Thanks!
Mon Mar 24 17:54
Jonna (
I knew Josh when he was forming School of Fish, which I believe he even named in my house on Laurel Canyon. I thought I'd just "Google" him to see what he's been up to and found out he passed. My, what can be said about such a happy, go lucky person. I'm sure he's missed by many!!! Such sad news! Jonna
Thu Mar 6 21:16
Julianne (
Just checking in. Yesterday I received a care package from a special friend in LA, someone who received the gift of a sense of your spirit last year. And yes, Josh, references to you seemed to pop up on every page of her "catch up" letter. I love the way these gentle nudges to log on here and relax with your music never fail to come my way. Namasté!
Tue Mar 4 15:06
Dene Wilby (
Well, it's that day again today in the UK....Pancake Day! Why not join us and enjoy a few pancakes. Banana for me :-)
Sun Mar 2 00:19
Kathy Yavari (
I found out about Josh a few days ago, and have not been able to stop thinking about him. We were classmates at Brookline High and I never heard from him after graduation. However, He was the THE REASON my friends and I would go to the school dance since I had the biggest crush on him. He borrowed a David Bowie tshirt of mine for a school talent show, and I remember spraying that shirt with SO MUCH perfume before giving it to him. I am now a mother of 2, but thinking back to those days and Josh, brings nothing but fond memories to my mind, but most of all, sadness for his loss. I vividly remember the sparkle in his eyes. My prayers are with his family and I look forward to receiving his CD which I recently ordered.... God bless his soul!
Wed Feb 19 23:33
Candy J. (
Hey, I just wanted to thank the people that run this website and have dedicated themselves to making sure that Josh's spirit lives on. Although I didn't get to meet Josh and I haven't met any of you, it's clear to me that Josh surrounded himself with wonderful people. Thanks again! CJ
Wed Feb 19 23:27
mp (
dearest josh: home in nyc here listening to 'building atlantis'. things have never been better and when that happens you wish to share it with those close to the heart. you remain there man. hope you feel my vibe. i bet you do. miss you very much. rock on j.
Mon Feb 10 08:23
James (
How thankful I am that for once, I finally acted upon one of those lost notes scribbled precariously over the steering wheel while negotiating traffic on the way to work. I found it again only recently - but I'd written it reminding myself to BUY the album of this breathtaking artist who I'd never heard of, who was being featured briefly on KCRW radio that morning. I remember thinking at the time that it wasmusic that touched my soul in a pretty rare way, and how sad it was that something like this had been released posthumously. Now that I have all of Spirit Touches Ground, it just gets better and better with every listen. By his work and by the postings on this website, Josh must have been an amazing guy. This album is a legacy of which his family and friends must be so proud - and I am honoured to own it. The crazy world in which we live so badly needs more people like him! Far and wide may Josh's message continue to spread and grow.
Fri Feb 7 07:43
Sarah Pliska (stuff@ pliska.com):
Heya Josh - I miss you. Thank you for all you are and all that you continue to give!
Sat Feb 1 19:04
dianne (
i met Josh sometime in 1995, i believe, during his tour. Until then, i had only heard the SOF album, which i listened to frequently. i knew a member of his band and had flown down from St. Loo to meet with them in New Orleans. My first vivid impression of Josh was him flying up the sidewalk towards us on his rollerblades, wearing a big shirt and a big grin. i thought he was going to crash into something. We were introduced and i immediately felt welcomed into the group. That night, i was completely immersed in the live music; a new instant fan. I hitched a ride along with them on the van back up to St. Loo, stopping for a gig in Memphis. Josh had this game where, at any time, he'd pull a kazoo out of his pocket and start "kazoo-ing" and the last person to find their kazoo and join in, was the big loser. It still makes me laugh. i am so grateful that i got the chance to spend that time with such great people. i am most appreciative of the fact that i got to know Josh a bit more. i remember thinking how much we had in common, and that i could talk with him for hours. Through the years, i have found Josh's music to be uplifting. i have never needed the essence of his music more than i do now. i have just gone through a painful divorce, and i have been trying surround myself with positive influences. i found this website hoping to find some tour info on Josh, instead crushing news. i am ashamed that i was oblivious to his passing. My first thought was, "This world is too dark and evil for such a beautiful bright light" and then it hits me, "This world must be beautiful and bright to foster such people". Last year, a baby blue jay was brought to me. The nest has been attacked by crows. i raised the jay in my home, and it grew to be a big beautiful bird. This bird was so sweet, it would land on my shoulder and give me kisses. i know for a fact, that bird was the only thing that kept me alive during the divorce. My mother told me one time that Sparky,(the bird's name), was an angel with blue feathers who was in my life for a reason. For what it's worth, i wanted to share this info. Thank you so much for this website and for keeping Josh's fans in touch. Thanks again, Josh. Love, dianne.
Sun Jan 26 05:24
Carol Doroba (
Hey Josh- Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you for that moment at your grave where I could realize supreme joy while eating pancakes. Thank you for my dreamtime, where I can realize joy in you floating above my head while we write songs, me being self-conscious about my artistic birth, and you laughing hysterically at my insecurity, embracing me to give me comfort. And this may sound odd, thank you for being more influential now then then, guiding me in my writing and pushing the breath through me when I need the infusion. You are truly an amazing soul. I am so grateful to have crossed paths with you. It makes me realize how utterly unusual life is, if we choose to be surprised by it. Thanks to you I do. You are in my heart constantly and I will NEVER forget you. To Josh's family: His energy is eternal. I feel his presence daily. You brought him to this world and from there he soared. While I know it is hard to release someone so young to the other side, I know that he left you with so many gifts that it might be hard to even note them all. That's how generous a soul he is to this day. My love to you all. And I want to thank Wolf and Lisa for the respect they show to Josh and the commitment to his soul. It is a beautiful reminder of how we can find serenity in pain. Peace and light, Carol
Fri Jan 24 15:27
eden (
oh josh...i can't believe 3 years have passed. every time i see something beautiful or funny i wish you were seeing it too...then i realize that you are. i miss you every day, though i'm feeling your presence more than your absence lately. thank you for that love, eden
Thu Jan 23 02:00
Bill (
Thinking about you : )
Wed Jan 22 02:20
Tue Jan 21 22:56
nicky (
J - just remembered it was the anniversary of your passing in the strangest way - we just lost a dear friend to Cancer this morning. Our little boy Bodhi is growing fast and strong and I just know you are eating him up from way up there somewhere. We love you so much and feel your presence every day and in so many ways. Your mom sent me the sweetest e-mail after Bodhi was born - thank you for watching over him and us during those very scary and difficult days after his birth. Miss you always. Nicky, Ron and Bodhi Corbett
Mon Jan 20 02:53
Money Penny (
Your absence flows through me like thread through a needle, everything I do is stitched with its color... your smile, your laugh, your love, your music - you are forever embedded in my soul. I love you. xo
Mon Jan 20 00:16
renee (
3 strange years without you... I miss you ! nay nay.........
Sun Jan 19 15:43
Tommy Manzi (
Hey there. Two days that remain etched in my heart and mind... 18th May. 19th January. You remain in thoughts on a consistent basis. I miss you. Your friendship, music and your so many kind and loving qualities are an inspiration to me on a regular basis. Ironically, while organizing a few things on my office this morning, I discovered a photograph you gave at Christmas in 1996. You and the camel in the desert. Brilliant. Lots of love, TM
Sun Jan 19 06:29
Laura Baker (
I was writing my last message on Saturday, January 18th, but as the dates and times are set from England it appears that I was writing on the 19th. The day Josh passed from this world was the 19th of January. I didn't want to confuse anyone. Laura
Sun Jan 19 06:14
Laura Baker (
Dear Josh,Tomorrow it will be 3 years since you crossed into the spirit world. You are so present always in my life, and in so many others. Thank you for everything you've helped me to see, for guidance, and inspiration. I love you so much. Your sister, Laura
Sat Jan 18 19:37
Henry Felt (
Dear Josh, Tomorrow is an anniversary. We will all be thinking about you and enjoying the spirit you bring to us. Last night ABC had a story about the intelligence of crows. We watched one fashion a tool in order to get food! The spirit of Fernando lives! Henry
Fri Jan 17 22:54
Elsa (
Josh: I miss you always. You are never far from my thoughts. My heart & thoughts will be with you, your family, love ones and your loyal fans & friends on Sunday, Jan. 19th. I going to take a walk to the Lake at 4:45 a.m. and I hope you will give me some comfort. I love you - Elsa.
Fri Jan 17 15:57
marilyn (
This Sunday, January 19, is the third anniversary of Josh's passing. At dawn on that day Josh's beloved Descendants of the Earth will have an Honor Memorial Sweat in their lodge. Wolf, their leader and Josh's mentor, has said that friends who are not there and wish to join the ceremony can join in their hearts and thoughts. Wolf describes the spirit of the ceremony this way: "Even though a sense of loss is always associated with such occasions, Memorial Honor Sweats are ordinarily celebratory in spirit-- a way of giving thanks to God for the joy his creation has provided us through gifts we have already received." Love and peace, Marilyn, Josh's Mom
Sun Jan 12 15:52
Overend (
If anyone is looking for a sealed "Window" CD EP, one is on E-bay at $1.95. See it at : http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=1572&item=2500520512 Hope this helps!
Sat Jan 11 15:19
mark polansky (
hey buddy, you run through my thoughts often