2024 Messages
Gary Hibbard
Monday November 19th, 2024
I discovered SOF at a devinyls show in indy I was immediately blown away by their sound and stage presence 92, I believe was the year? Me and my girlfriend was instantly hooked !!!! They became "our" band !!! Sof was all we played. I bought ever album Josh put out and worn out the cds and replaced them as needed im 60 now and I've made my son listen and disect the songs with me. He loves them and Josh's solo work and recently stated me "dad, one of the biggest crimes in the world is sof is in the rock and roll hall of fame and not a worldwide phenomenon?" And he's right. I'm just so happy, a new generation is discovering and appreciating this wonderful talent!!!!!
Thursday October 17th, 2024
I think about Josh every single day and I am beyond grateful to have found about him and the music he created. Both SOF albums are incredibly special to me. I wish I could've had the opportunity to meet him, or have known him in real life.
Friday October 4th, 2024
I have fond memories of watching 3 strange days on nightracks and mtv. I always loved his voice. It was so unique at the time. MTV was in a transitional phase moving from glam to grunge and different genres. I think school of fish got lost in the mix. What a shame. I recently heard Josh’s solo work….wow. I wish I had heard it before earlier. I am a life long fan now. Much love to you for maintaining this site.
Thursday August 1st, 2024
I first heard Josh on a KFOG CD --back in the days it was a vital, innovative radio station. Of course the song Window was as good as anything I heard that year, and has been on my playlist ever since. For some reason I never dived into his catalog until recently and can definitively say I haven't heard one song that I didn't like. Great lyrics, vocals and guitar work. I am baffled he didn't become a "big" star. I hope his music reaches a bigger audience--it's truly special.
Monday June 10th, 2024
I've always gravitated towards music of the late 80's and early 90's, and have really enjoyed discovering the works of countless bands and artists of the era. Im not sure how, but it was only recently that I discovered School of Fish and JCF's solo work. I rarely find myself in awe of an artisit's craft, but there's something about Josh's songwriting that connects with me on a deeper level... While it was saddening to learn of his passing at such a young age, I have nothing but respect and gratitude for Josh's amazing, and frankly underappreciated, contribution to our world.
Wednesday May 22nd, 2024
I've repeatedly been listening to School of Fish for the last week; such great music with a visceral message...Euphoria!
Tommy Manzi
Saturday May 18th, 2024
Thinking of you today... Happy Birthday
Paul Becker
Monday April 8th, 2024
Hi Josh. Please welcome Michael and have a fantastic jam together. I miss you both.
Saturday March 30th, 2024
I heard the song Three Strange Days a long time ago, when I was maybe 16/17. It came up on YouTube music and I was transported back in time. May the road rise to meet you and the wind always be at your back.
Saturday March 17th, 2024
Thinking of you today, Josh.
Thursday January 11th, 2024
I wrote here in June of 2023. I still can't stop thinking about Josh. I feel like I know him.