2015 Messages
Saturday 03 October, 2015
Josh, every day life is a gift. Your words, sweetheart. And you were my gift. Thank you for being there for me.
Thursday 20 August, 2015
Hola¡¡ listening your music, in a small lost town near Mexico City, gracias¡¡
Jeff G
Monday 13 July, 2015
I loved School of Fish, and listen to Spirit Touches Ground frequently.
We miss you Josh.
Larry Donnell
Wednesday 10 June, 2015
I was listening to 3 Strange and Human Cannonball....post
Sunday 31 May, 2015
Thanks for providing words that grabbed my attention so many years ago. Appreciated the levity your songs inspired. RIP
Laura Clayton Baker
Tuesday 19 May, 2015
Saw your beautiful guitar today! Happy Birthday Josh. I love you. Laura
Tommy Manzi
Monday 18 May, 2015
Happy Birthday, Josh. Thinking of you.
Monday 18 May, 2015
Happy Birthday Josh!
I will enjoy your music alllll day today.
Tommy Manzi
Monday 26 January, 2015
15 years... that is difficult to grasp... and yet you are still with us, in so many ways, in meaningful ways. Dene's note brought back my own memories of the last time we spoke, on the telephone, during your hospital stay in December 1999. As usual, you had so much positive energy + love... and you made ME feel better! We miss you, Josh. Lots of love, always.
Monday 19 January, 2015
15 years?
I'm sure i've said this many times before on this website but I remember Josh sending me an email on 19th December 1999, he was so excited about some changes i'd made to the website and he always had such genuine appreciation for the work I did. In reality I always felt honoured to be the one that worked on his website, it was (and always has been) a pleasure. In fact, here are Josh's words in that email. Luckily i'm a digital hoarder so have all my emails from back then. So sad to read now...wish he was still around.
"Dene, ok so I send the email to you, take pain pills for my back and pass out. I wake up the next morning and it's like Christmas, the web site is filling the stockings and the tree is fully stocked. Well Santa thank you, I was very happy and very impressed. AS far as taking the unavailible cd's off the site, let's not worry about that for now. Soon I will have two more cds to add to the cd baby list, so maybe then we can add those and put a note under the un-availible ones that they were promo only cds.
I also want to send a note out to all the people who are on the email list saying that the link to cdbaby is now up and running and that the three cds are availible, but I'm not really sure how to do it. If you know and it's easy either let me know or feel free to have at it.
I hope you are feeling very well and that you have a fantastic holiday.
Thank you for comming through in such a big way again,
Be well,
Shay G.
Monday 19 January, 2015
JCF... I can't believe it's been 15 years. I still recount the evening I was at work in my edit bay watching MTV News and the story of your passing came on. I was devastated beyond belief. But just know, you are still alive in our hearts, our souls, and most definitely in our ears constantly. I'm forever moved by music, and barely a day goes by when there isn't a JCF or SOF grooving through my soul. I'll be taking a ride through Topanga Canyon today, blasting your music for everyone to enjoy.
Stay easy brother,
Shay G.
Laura Clayton Baker
Monday 19 January, 2015
Good morning Josh. 15 years today since you left this world. Life is full and beautiful here, but would be so much more amazing if we could spend ordinary days together. We'd probably take it for granted but that's OK. So much we take for granted. I'll be enjoying pancakes this morning and thinking of you. Thanks for helping me see what's important. I love you. Laura
Saturday, 17 January 2015
15 years is crazy long.
We miss you and will gather on monday for a pancake breakfast to celebrate you. Thanks.
Laura Sodders
Thursday 08 January, 2015
Hey all - hope you can get this info to whoever would take care of the paperwork - Josh's name is listed here for the Film Musicians' Secondary Markets Fund -
Hope it can be of help to someone!