Get Well Soon Josh

From all your internet buddies:
Josh Clayton-Felt has taught us all so many beautiful things. I love the man, and I owe him so much...
He is our brother- in this life, and all the lives to come.
-Michael Ward
Hiya Josh!
I hope that at this late date you are feeling better, and I hope you have the best of medical care.
Just sent "Inarticulate Nature Boy" to a classical music loving friend and he loved it.
I will keep an eye on this page, and will keep you in my prayers.
Love, hope and prayers to our brother and co-founder.
The Brown Jackets
We haven't seen each other in a few years.... I think about you often, and am praying for you now. I remember much of our time together, and you are certainly a special person in my life. I'm so sorry you are not felling well. I know you are a strong and beautiful person. Your music is healing and helpful to so many people. My thought's are with you and your family.
Lot's of love,
Erin Hamilton
we believe in you, josh, in your holistic spirit, and your tenacious strength. endless love and support from the deery sisters.
susanne, julianne, kathleen, and mj.
I hope you are feeling better and soon hope you're feeling fine I've tried to email you twice-nothing happened-so I'm trying a third time You are very special so just hang tight and be strong You've got plenty of people who love ya and are cheering you along.
Take care of you-
Kim Mc Coy
To All of Josh's concerned friends -
During this difficult period of waiting for Josh to return to 1000% health (we all know he is NEVER on time), I want everyone to know how much his family appreciates all of the amazing support, LOVE and PRAYERS that have been communicated. We, who are near him every day pass these sentiments on to him and we know every kind thought and gesture contributes to his recovery. I have learned over the last few weeks that the boy I have known since second grade, is now the most respected and beloved gentle-man on this Earth...Won't it be grand to watch Josh blush as he scrolls through this site and soaks up the energy and love of people far and near.
with Immense Gratitude to All in Joshy's Village-
HEY CHACHI, I just wanted you to know my love is with you in this journey that you are on , and I look forward to your return to home my dear friend.
pete maloney
Hello Josh. I hope you feel better real soon. Be well and Happy New Year too:)!
Kim Mc Coy
Sorry to here that you not well ............. I wish you a speedy recovery .............. Listen to some music featuring Josh Clayton (Felt) ........that always helps me feel better *wink & a smile* .........
big blessings from your friends in the valley wishing divine spark from the soul on down from the spine on up we are sending healing vibration your way all these postings are quite an inspiration you are truly loved
jeremy and fabienne
Dear Josh,
You have to get well immediately so that you can hear me shouting, "OKLAHOMA!!!" I just moved in to my new house in Vermont and my School of Fish poster stands proudly above my desk. I'm thinking of you.
Erik Filkorn
Try eating Captain Crunch with Rootbeer. It always makes me feel better!!
Your music has been healing me for years. Wishing that right back at you. Thinking and praying for you.
Lynn G
hi-ya josh
keep the faith and like i said before listen to a beatles record each day and you will see the difference. seriously i am praying for ya, and i hope to hear you're alright soon
stay sound
shane in ct.
Hi ya Josh,
We all want you to get well soon. As you can see from all your devoted fans...we simply love you -- with that, I hope you know the influence you have brought into our lives. You are a very special person to be loved by so many. You are in all of our prayers for a quick recovery. Plus I haven't seen you since 1993, it has been a very long time! and I really would love to see you in Chicago soon! I am still a fan and will always be.
Much love,
Elsa Vigil
Hey Josh! My mommie has been thinking about you, sending you love and all sorts of good stuff. Get well soon so I can come and play with Kaya!
Dear Josh - thinking of you everyday and sending love - be well soon.
I Know the KARATE MAN is tougher than this one! GET WELL SOON so you can get back to what you do BEST. (layin it down)
Tony "Mickey Frickie" G
Hi Josh,
It's your old pal Josh! I've been wanting to write you something for the past week and have hesitated due to being at a loss for words. I am thinking of you every day throughout the day. I am so sorry that you are having to deal with any of this. It breaks my fucking truly does. You are one of my favorite humans on this planet and I pray for you many times each day. You are constantly on my mind and I only wish the most positive, good, loving things for you. Hang in there my friend and know that I am with you each waking minute.
Josh Freese
Little Joshie Clayton-Felt:
If you will put your head in the petting machine, I will try my very best. (Okay, so this message consists of in-jokes that only you will understand. Now you have to get better so that you can explain what this means, so I don't look like a lunatic.) You know how much I love you little brother. Don't worry about the words. It's all right here (pointing to my heart).
Little Bobby Weide
(Your First Employer)
Also, Linda and Buster by proxy
Hey, Chach - We're thinking of you everyday & will see you next week. If anybody has the spirit to pull through, it's you. You are an amazing human being.
Love and blessings,
Gia and Dan
Just wanted to say that my thoughts, prayers and love go out to you during this time. I know with your positive attitude and spirit you are going to kick this thing right in its ass and be up and about in no time. Hopefully we'll get a chance to chat in real time soon. Take care,
Diane B.
Helllooooo long lost stranger. Josh, I am sending you much love and good wishes from just over the hill in N. Hollywood. Although I haven't seen you in too long, I am wishing you MANY Happy New Years full of good times with good friends, lots of music and tons of happiness. You are very special and you will get better. Chin up :)
Hey Josh,
Here's hoping you get well and feel like rocking again real soon. And if you get really adventurous come down to Australia, cos there's people like me who think your music just kicks ass!
Sandro, Australia
"You have a cough? Go home tonight, eat a whole box of Ex-Lax--tomorrow you'll be afraid to cough. " Just a slight bit of humor to get you one step closer to getting back on your feet soon. ;) No, for real though, I wish you a speedy recovery, in fact, we toasted to your health last night, no lie! I tell ya, you've got some true fans out here in the sticks of NE. Pssst...I've got an idea...tomorrow *while you're lying in bed because that's the best way to a speedy recovery*...why not watch the Fiesta bowl to see the Huskers beat Tennessee! Woohaa! Go Big Red...oh, and get well soon Josh!!
Adios mi amigo...NiCoLe a.k.a. NiCoLe
Hey Josh, Get well soon. Our thoughts are with you.
Best Wishes for the New Year!
Your most appreciative fans in San Diego,
-Chris & Robin
Hey Mr. Josh... may you feel no pain, and may your health be the least of your worries.... I wish you the best, and may you enrich us with your music again soon!
Josh... thoughts are with you. stay strong & i know you'll win this fight. Anything you need, anytime, just ask. You're one of God's better people, buddy.
Josh, it's Bob(tiny buddy) here, our little bald friend informed me of your situation last night, I hope and pray that you are already on your way to a quick recovery. Stay strong and know Maryann and I are thinking of you.
See you soon.
HI josh, hope you feel better soon. Hopefully you'll be up and about for New Years. We've missed your additions to the comment section in your web site and you've certainly been missed at Largo. Wishing us Lots of gigs for the New Year and Best o' Health for yourself!
Mark Dobrucki
Sorry to hear your not well. You know I'm sending good thoughts you're way for a speedy recovery. Get well soon my friend. Happy New Year! Sending a new picture to your po. box. Yes I took Chloe ( my cat to see Santa) Hope you get better soon.
Big Hug and kiss
Hello, Josh! I'm a relatively new School of Fish fan, but 'School of Fish' and 'Human Cannonball' are among my favorite CDs. I wanted to send my hopes for you to get well soon, and to wish you a happy new year! 'Later!
--Sarrah, aka Nightlyre
Sorry to hear you're not feeling well. Hope you feel better and are up & around soon!!
Take care!
Love, Winnie
Get Well soon Josh!
Tell Josh that some fans here in Raleigh, NC are sending up prayers for a complete recovery.
Greg and Melissa
From L-R: Daniella, Maria, Josh and Eric
hello mr. josh!
sorry to hear you're not feeling so well. hope you're doing better. here is a pic we took back in october, I think. I think it's funny cos we look a little too happy and you look a little umm...not as excited? hehe, we thot we would autograph it and send it to you
for a late xmas present! just to add to the cheesiness! from the left, it's daniella, maria, some guy, and me. hope it gives you a good laugh! I hear that's pretty good medecine! and hey! I'm looking
forward to invisible tree! can't wait! I love beautiful nowhere!
eric reed and maria salazar
buck up camper!
be well,
I'm so sorry to hear that you aren't well Josh. I hope you get better and back on your feet soon! Your in my prayers.
-Amanda Owens
Dear Josh,
We're very sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well. Hopefully the docs can figure it out quick and get you better. We've sure been missing the LA music! It was too bad that you came back just as we left for Portland. We've been enjoying your latest CD and can't wait for the next. So get well very soon, make more music, and come see us here in Portland, Oregon. We'll be your poster elves!!!
Sarah & Ben
Best Wishes for a timely recovery and good health in the New Year. ~
Hey Josh Hope you get better soon. We all love your music and are looking forward to when we can hear you again, hopefully soon.
Scott Savage
Josh Fan since the 80's with SOF.
josh..i am so sorry to hear that you are not well! i hope that you are in good spirits and please know we are all praying for you!
Get well soon!!! We are thinking of you and wishing you all the best....
Julie, Kirk and Thomas Beckstein
Sarasota, Florida
Get well soon mate, hope you're feeling much better already.
All our love and best wishes,
Dene and Joanne x x